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Archive of sustainable & traditional designs, materials, practices and products

Welcome to an ever-expanding worldwide archive


we compile sustainable & Traditional DESIGNS, materials, Practices and products from around the globe into an Ever-Expanding ARchive

While living, working and traveling around the world, we often marveled at the plethora of sustainable and traditional designs and practices, and the ingenious ways to re-use, re-cycle or up-cycle objects, products and materials, just as they were before plastic came along.

We set out to document traditional, and sometimes also modern and high-tech alternatives to single-use plastic. These sustainable solutions are often delightfully simple, or just a knack away from the worn-out paths of todays consumer society.

With this ever growing archive we hope to inspire individuals and the consumption industry to re-think existing solutions towards more sustainable and often well-tried and time-tested ones.

The Archive


“In a way that avoids the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance”


World natives and part time nomads, Sara-Duana and Ando have been working on spreading the good word about living sustainably for a while. Their diverse backgrounds and life lessons learnt along the way prompted them to work on solutions that tackle the failure of purely growth-oriented thinking and the severe imbalance of the human/environment relationship. Their aim is to contribute to the making and shaping of a sustainable present and future. This collective archive, that provides freely accessible information and inspiration, is one of those contributions.

Human societies lived in a well-balanced, sustainable system within their environment for eons. Glimpses of that intrinsic balance still remain, and in some places are thriving. Today, new research and development is giving rise to many kinds of sustainable products as well.

As habitually curious, research-savvy innovators, we are collecting in-depth information about those practices, products and processes and are working on archiving them here, for the world to enjoy and get inspired in order to develop their own, modern versions of traditional solutions. We hope companies, individuals, and groups are able to use this information to enrich their lives and communities, and provide value to their customers.

Please get in touch if you’d like more information or have a suggestion. You can also follow us on social media.