Who we are


Sara-Duana Meyer

Sara-Duana is a writer, cultural producer, educator, yogini, and environmentalist with a nomadic practice. She has worked in cultural, artistic, and educational projects worldwide for over a decade, and writes and publishes with a keen interest in society and culture.

She aims to foster the reconnection between nature and society through creative approaches and education, to create more awareness for the intricate system we are part of, and to spark ideas for sustainable innovation.

Currently, she’s headed back to school for her second Master’s in order to shift her work focus more towards ecology and sustainability, which have guided her world view and actions throughout her life.

Learn more about Sara-Duana at saraduana.me


Ando Shah

Ando is a creative technologist who designs products that hope to affect positive change. Trained as a chip designer in Silicon Valley, he spent many years traveling the world, solving problems in conservation, sustainable energy and virtual reality. After an incredible experience with humpback whales in Mozambique, he conceptualized the use of virtual reality in water, to enable anyone to have a visceral connection to nature. He is currently the co-founder and CTO of Ballast Technologies, bringing this magical experience to the world.

Ando is working on a few side projects that aim to make our existence on this planet more sustainable, just and equitable.

You can find out more about Ando at ando.xyz
